Little Moon Moth
Little Moon Moth
Geometric Turmoil
Geometric Turmoil

Albumen print, 2015 


 Albumen print, 2015

Aground, Salt Print, 2014
Aground, Salt Print, 2014

Salt Print, 2014

Signs of a Blue Gargoyle
Signs of a Blue Gargoyle

Cyanotype, 2015

A Contaminated Fairytale
A Contaminated Fairytale

Salt Print, 2014

December Ripples
December Ripples

Van Dyke, 2015

Broken Culture Lens
Broken Culture Lens

Albumen print, 2015

Little Moon Moth
Geometric Turmoil
Aground, Salt Print, 2014
Signs of a Blue Gargoyle
A Contaminated Fairytale
December Ripples
Broken Culture Lens
Little Moon Moth
Geometric Turmoil

Albumen print, 2015 


 Albumen print, 2015

Aground, Salt Print, 2014

Salt Print, 2014

Signs of a Blue Gargoyle

Cyanotype, 2015

A Contaminated Fairytale

Salt Print, 2014

December Ripples

Van Dyke, 2015

Broken Culture Lens

Albumen print, 2015

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